Another group of finished Corps

17 November 2022

I have now finished Hills Corps of the Army of North Virginia, and Sykes and Sedgwick's Corps of the Potomac are both done and ready for action.

Here is Hill's 3rd Corps of the Confederate Army of North Virginia; using these division-sized bases means that Hills Corps looks like the largest Corps in the Army with its six bases and lots of men ready for battle.

Hills 3rd Corps was about 22,000 men strong in 13 brigades.

On the Union side, we see Sykes 5th Corps below with Major General Meades base in attendance :

And Sedgewick 6th Corps from the Union Army of the Potomac:

We can still see the difference in the size of the Union corps compared to the Confederates. However, in this case, the total strength is more significant than that of Hills Corps. Sykes Corps was about 11,000 strong in 8 brigades, and Sedgewick's Corps was around 14,000 men in 8 brigades.

I now have eight Corps across both armies done and am waiting to create the last few formations. Three Union Corps, one of which is Cavalry, and the union artillery reserve. I also need to finish the Confederate Cavalry Division plus artillery.