Two Moons - Leader of the Northern Cheyenne & Arapaho

07 September 2018

Two Moons or “Ishaynishus” was one of the many Cheyenne chiefs who took part in the Battle.

We know from the Cheyenne and Arapaho casualties that they were fighting Reno’s troops in the initial attack, then towards the ford on the west bank of the Little Big Horn.

Also they were actively fighting in and around the ford area and that they pursued Reno across the ford and that they were present on the east bank of the retreat crossing.

Later they are mentioned to have been in the Deep Coulee and on the North slope of Custer Hill.

The Cheyenne or aɪaen/shyan are indigenous to the Great Plains, they were allies of the Arapaho when the Cheyenne forced the Kiowa to the South, whilst being pushed westward Lakota.

The Arapaho or əraepəhou, a tribe from the plains of Colorado and Wyoming. Closely allied with the Cheyenne, the Lakota and Dakota.

Indian Forces - Chief Two Moons

The Project for Two Moons Warriors 

Two Moons Warriors are now based and we are showing them as both Foot and Mounted mixed on the base together, in this this way we are attempting to show how the warriors fought.

So here are the Cheyenne and Arapaho forces.